Attention Hayla Studios Fans, Happy Indie Animation Day!
Here are some screenshots of TWO Boot-up Episodes that are currently in Production!
Episode 0: "Origins!"
"A Storybook origin on How Kimi made it into the Multi-Plexelverse!"
Story by: SoraThePanFloof, GrischaDJ, B-RY. Narrated by ThatZeratoedWithABow (Eli).
Episode 2: Powering Up!
"Samantha, Tera , Frutle and Slush try to find and train their powers."
Written by SoraThePanFloof, Jake The 2nd, Yuvi and Erik S.
Storyboared by SoraThePanFloof, Jake the 2nd and Yuvi. Animation Director: Erik S.
Created by SorathePanFloof and the Hayla Studios Team.
It is currently unknown when these episodes will come out so please stay tuned!